Wednesday, September 2, 2009

On the road again...

Today I drove a little over 700 miles and had a lot of time to listen to the radio. There was one news item that caught my interest. Ben & Jerry, the Vermont ice cream maker, announced today that they would be changing the name of their "Chubby Hubby" ice cream to "Hubby Hubby" for the next thirty days in "honor" of the first same sex marriage in Vermont. Not making any judgments here, just posting for whomever might be interested.

The other thing I heard was a very lengthy (and frankly boring) show about the Christian (read "fundamentalist creationist") view of evolution. This is a topic that's been the subject of some lengthy discussions in the seminary website, and something I've given a little thought to. Here's what I've decided:

My view: I believe that an Intelligent Designer (okay, God) created the universe and actively participates in its daily operation. I am not a Luddite or a Fundamentalist and I don't think that science is evil. I don't think that the Earth is 6,000 years old, and I believe that science is just another avenue of special revelation by which God communicates his design to us.

The evolutionist's view: The universe appeared spontaneously, out of nothing, and for no reason. Over the course of billions of years a planet, circling a yellow sun with the perfect temperature and radiation output and in the exact right spot in the galaxy, coalesced the perfect distance from the sun and in the perfect orbit to support life. Then in a pool of primordial ooze, a single celled organism appeared by random (even though the odds for that happening are on the order of 1x1040,000, and hasn't even been achieved in controlled lab conditions). Through a series of successful mutations (the odds of which are trillions to one) the single celled organism became a more complex organism, crawled out of the ooze, learned to breath oxygen and eventually evolved into the billions of species populating the world today through a series of intermediate forms (which have completely failed to appear in the fossil record.)

And they think we're crazy?

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